We would like to thank everyone who took part in our recent poll regarding possible future releases for Silver Wings. We were pleased to have a great number of votes which helped us to choose subjects that you, our customers and friends, would like to see. As we have mentioned previously, we are working towards the ability to release kits in injected plastic in addition to our existing resin kit line. Of course, this is not easy, and although we continue to make progress, we still cannot say for certain which of these kits will be released in resin, and which will be released in injected plastic. That being said, it is indeed our goal to release some of the more "mainstream" kits in injected plastic. 

Accordingly, Silver Wings is pleased to announced our next planned releases for 2013/2014:

1) 1:32 Polikarpov I-153 Chaika - available now!
2) 1:32 Bristol Bulldog - 90% ready
3) 1:32 Curtiss P6E Hawk
4) 1:32 Reggiane 2000 Falco - in progress
5) 1:32 Boeing Stearman 
6) 1:32 Lavochkin La-5
7) 1:32 Hawker Demon - 60% ready
8) 1:32 Fairey Flycatcher floatplane version - 60% ready
9) 1:72 British prototype flying boat (?) - 90% ready
10) 1:32  Vought  OS2U Kingfisher - CAD 90% ready 
11) 1:32 Yak 9
12) 1:32 PZL P.11 - in progress
13) 1:32 Fokker DXXI

We hope that you, our customers and friends, are excited as we at Silver Wings are about these future releases. Due to the excellent response we received from our future release poll, we plan to do more of these in the future and will ask you to vote on planned kit marking options, etc. Be sure to visit our website www.silerwings.pl for the latest information about these new releases, and to see our existing products.


The Silver Wings Team